At Cogitality Academy, we are deeply honored and privileged to be a part of numerous life-changing journeys that have unfolded within our transformative programs. Below, we are delighted to share authentic testimonials from a diverse range of individuals who have embarked on profound personal growth and evolution through their experiences with us. These heartfelt accounts vividly illustrate the remarkable impact that arises when the realms of science and esoterism converge, illuminating the pathway to unleashing one’s true innate potential. We extend a warm invitation for you to immerse yourself in their narratives, to explore the myriad ways in which Cogitality Academy has served as a catalyst for inspiration and empowerment, guiding them on their transformative odyssey of self-discovery and personal development.
What Our Students Say
Discover the transformative experiences of those who have journeyed with Cogitality Academy. Our students share how the unique blend of science and esoterism has awakened their true potential and brought profound changes to their lives. Here’s what they have to say.

This Academy teaches us how to be happy and to create our lives! In short: the best school on the planet and the only one of its kind!
Diana Mircheva

Putting into practice the things I have learned, I see how things around me are changing every day. Thank you for the Academy and your tireless work!
Kiril Boyukliev

Starting my studies, I realized that the Academy had everything I needed that was accurate and well justified. All the searches I made over the years came to me through the Academy itself. I admit that the material is not a novel to read and throw away, but a serious work!
Ivanka Zaharieva

At first, I was very doubtful if this academy would lead anywhere, and now it is closer to a way of life than a theory. The academy does produce new kinds of results. You go through Cogitality Academy with a master's degree that can't be found elsewhere.
Lubomir Toshev

Thanks to the Academy, my life turned in a happy direction, and I started reaping success every day. I was offered a new job in the electromechanical industry - something I had dreamed of for 20 years! Thank you and I wish you much happiness.
Nedyalka Kirilova

The Theory of Cogitality is one of the most revolutionary and astounding things that exist… It is a science that explains all esoteric, secret, mystical, hidden, and often only for the “chosen” knowledge
Stoyan Valkov - Choko

Thank you very much for all your efforts to awaken and provoke people, giving them a direct path to the Great knowledge of the Universe! Stay Healthy! Always be so Inspired and Inspiring! I am happy that you are part of my Journey! I believe we will meet!
Neda Popova

Thank you for the knowledge, information, inspiration, and dedication! I believe that many people will be motivated to embrace and apply the information for transforming our world into a grateful and noble one!
Ilina Petrova

In these first three days, to the tiny bit of information I have touched, I am ready for the most incredible adventure in this life... My integrity gathering revolution. The exercises are helping me wonderfully with self-observation and especially my attitude about everything! Now my focus is on not criticizing, insulting, complaining, gossiping, and controlling...
Nedyalka Kirilova

I want to share with you my result from the exercises at Cogitality Academy - I have a change in one pituitary hormone TSH, which for many years was below normal - 0.1 with a reference lower limit of 0.35. 2 weeks ago, I did a test and was surprised to see that it was in the normal range at 0.4. The endocrinologist said she couldn't explain the reason to me - it could also be from the weather.
Nelly Velcheva
Content Creator
I had accepted the Academy, the daily emails, and exercises as if they would never end. Thank you, you have done so much for me! Thank you also for all the hard work you put in to make the Academy what it is!
Svetoslava Hunteva

My family and I are truly grateful for you helping us find ourselves and the harmony we have achieved with each other. We realized that the path of change is not easy, but it is not that hard either. The difficulty comes from overcoming old habits - as I put it, throwing them into Niagara Falls FOREVER!
Nikolina Gancheva
Content Creator
Embracing the Beauty of Transformation
The information you provide is immense and requires time to assimilate, maybe I should take a three-month vacation. For nearly a month, I have been listening and watching your videos, my thoughts and actions have changed significantly in an awareness that I didn't see in this way... Every moment, every action of mine and of the people around me, and those I meet are in contemplation... It is so beautiful!!! Until now, I was led by Spirituality, prayers, yoga, Bogomils, the Letters of Christ, everything beautiful and everything is a Path that led me to you, Cogitality Academy. Thank you for sharing with us, for a better world... Be Peace, Love, and Harmony!

Kalinka Donova