Hologram image and virtual models

Частта съдържа цялото и цялото се съдържа в частта. Научното обяснение на това как чрез един пиксел (идея) и височестотно трептене творим и създаваме цялата си паралелна реалност...

Virtual images are one of the recent achievements in optics in the past years. Alessandro Boccolini from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh (Scotland) and several colleagues demonstrate that people can perceive virtual (ghostly) images. The concept of ghost visualization operates by projecting a random light pattern onto an object and capturing the reflected light with a single pixel. Repeating this process with various random light patterns generates a sequence of data regarding the fluctuation of light intensity across different pixels. These data points may seem random, but they are actually interconnected, representing pixels from the same object (sphere) that light is being reflected from. The underlying idea here is that, despite the random variation where two consecutive pixels could be extremely “dark” and “bright,” as parts of the hologram sphere, they contain information about the entire sphere. Arranging this data in the correct pattern can construct a comprehensive image of the object.

The entire processing doesn’t necessarily need to be carried out by a computer. The signal from the single pixel can be used to modulate (change) the light output of another LED. Subsequently, this is projected onto the same random pattern, and the process is repeated for the next sample and so forth.

The image of the object, which is the ghostly image, can be reconstructed by integrating the reflected light from a long sequence of random coloration as a model. The resulting image is formed from light that has never interacted with the original object.

призраци в мозъка

Boccolini and colleagues explore whether the brain can execute this integration process. Their concept involves projecting the models in rapid succession onto a screen that someone is viewing, then observing whether the human visual system will combine them. A similar effect allows us to perceive a series of still frames as continuous motion. The visual system integrates the random patterns, each of which is a randomized arrangement of black and white pixels, known as an Hadamard pattern.

The researchers employ four volunteers, and the results are astounding. When the models appear relatively slowly, the eye perceives only a set of square pixels. However, when the speed surpasses a certain threshold, the image of the object suddenly emerges. This speed threshold is a crucial characteristic of human vision. The experimental setup is capable of projecting models at a speed of 20 kilohertz, allowing for 200 Hadamard patterns to appear every 20 milliseconds. All four participants can perceive the object at this speed. Thus, the visual system integrates a sequence of images in a specific manner. The image breaks down when the speed falls below 20 kilohertz.

We utilize this brain visualization technique to assess the eye’s temporal response and determine that the image retention time is approximately 20 milliseconds, followed by an exponential decay of another 20 milliseconds.

The experimenters

The fact that the eye never interacts with the light reflected from the ghost object opens up new possibilities. Illuminating the object with one wavelength and then perceiving it with another (if the illuminating wavelength is invisible to the human eye) will create illusory, “ghost” images in the brain that will be perceived as entirely real.

The imagery of ghosts opens up a range of entirely new applications – extending human vision into invisible wavelengths in real-time.

The experimenters

This doesn’t require additional equipment, as the human visual system does most of the work.

Summary – Through the Prism of Cogitality

If the “screen” is the Vacuum Fluctuations Potential with a p+ field (invisible to the eye), the images of desire will construct comprehensive, realistic 3D objects pixel by pixel, enveloped in a p+ protective field. This field repels the rays sent by the individual for “exploration,” of the same polarity and frequency. Just like magnets of the same kind, the rays reflect, and the object is perceived as “truly existing.” The ghostly image of desire “materializes” into a real object, in a parallel reality, valid solely for the one who constructs the desired image. With billions of flickers per second, this effect allows perceiving a series of static frames as continuous motion. The speed, the frequency of flickering, emerges as a pivotal factor in materialization, while the diameter, determined by this speed, stands as a factor for possibilities. Below a certain speed threshold, there will be no result, no materialization, and no possibilities. Above this boundary, results are present, and possibilities are expanding.

To establish a connection with the Choice of Limitation made by the Living Father (the very limitation emitting the positive field and creating the surrounding environment and reality), we need to explore how filters are constructed. This is because everything we “see” is an illusion. The world, the matter, and the reality observed are illusory frames of a given choice. It doesn’t truly exist, for it’s a dream projected by that part of the mind that has categorically chosen to experience a specific ignorance (it has “crafted the belief” that it has separated itself from and disconnected from the Source of the Whole field of knowledge). This world picture is a parallel reality, an reflection of the inner state of the limitation itself that creates it. Therefore, it’s impossible to be beyond this limitation, meaning the surrounding environment is not created a priori. Beyond us, outside of any hologram, the source of both darkness and light cannot be discovered. Because each is both – the Source, experiencing the chosen from itself… by focusing on a particular polarity, with a specific speed and diameter, with an individual frequency and energy, with an individual reality from the countless probabilities of infinity…