As we walk the path of positive transformation, we need to be willing to change constantly.


One of the quickest options for this is to make a daily list of all those times you didn’t keep your Happiness choice (when you snapped, got nervous, despaired, or decided you weren’t up for it anymore, etc.).

To be able to easily recall these events, it is best to record the important moments of the day with a voice recorder. This can be a phone, a recorder, and any other device that will allow you to both record and analyze your behavior.

Make a plan for the next day or the next few days, setting out in advance to observe especially those moments where you have “screwed up”, looking for options to change them.

The plan is just that – how does changing your moments of mistakes change your parallel reality?

What you don’t want to happen to you, don’t do to others. Your parallel reality is a mirror reflection of yourself – if you desire gentleness, treat the whole parallel reality with gentleness; if you desire love – treat it with love; if you desire understanding – seek all possible options to get along with everyone.

Once you have come up with this plan, remember you, only you, are implementing it – things happen not by wishing, but by putting it into practice. It is not possible for you to be stressed out or angry, but to seek tenderness in order to feel good. But it is equally impossible to desire change provided you do nothing but have a wonderful sense of the beauty of the world (Love of Everything That Is). 

Digging the field requires not a prayer, but a hoe. It won’t happen with wishing – it happens with practical firm action.

At the end of the exercise – do a meditation to get the answers (adaptation, changes, new ideas, and clarifications) to the plan you made!