Exercise: Let’s record ourselves
In this exercise, we look at how important and good it is to record ourselves (with a phone, recorder, voice recorder, or whatever works for us). The main reason is that we all think of ourselves as honest, but in fact,...
Exercise: Honesty
As we walk the path of positive transformation, we need to be willing to change constantly. One of the quickest options for this is to make a daily list of all those times you didn’t keep your Happiness choice (when you...
Exercise: Fast decision making
How to make a decision using the energy-informational field when needed for quick and effective actions, decisions, choices? Option 1: Scales exercise Closing our eyes, we imagine the scale of Themis with the two dishes. We “look” at the dishes and see...
Exercise: Let’s put on the cross!
Take a blank sheet of paper, run a vertical line through it, and a horizontal one about a centimeter from the top of the sheet. This is your “cross”… A cross where you honestly and impartially record when you have acted rightly...