Exercise: Let’s record ourselves
In this exercise, we look at how important and good it is to record ourselves (with a phone, recorder, voice recorder, or whatever works for us). The main reason is that we all think of ourselves as honest, but in fact,...
Exercise: Honesty
As we walk the path of positive transformation, we need to be willing to change constantly. One of the quickest options for this is to make a daily list of all those times you didn’t keep your Happiness choice (when you...
Exercise: Given Meaning
Обиждате ли се? Какво е за вас обидата? Допускате ли, че казаното може да е вярно или се защитавате „със зъби и нокти“? Направихте ли си аналинтез на собственото поведение, за да откриете къде и как се превръщате в парадокс за самите...
Exercise: Fast decision making
How to make a decision using the energy-informational field when needed for quick and effective actions, decisions, choices? Option 1: Scales exercise Closing our eyes, we imagine the scale of Themis with the two dishes. We “look” at the dishes and see...
Exercise: Let’s put on the cross!
Take a blank sheet of paper, run a vertical line through it, and a horizontal one about a centimeter from the top of the sheet. This is your “cross”… A cross where you honestly and impartially record when you have acted rightly...
Renewal – merging with the energetic essence
Preparation Begin by standing in front of a chair or seat where you will create an image of your energetic essence. Close your eyes, relax, and envision the energetic image of your transformed body—a body that is free from illness, always vibrant...
Exercise: Self-Deception – Part 2
Кои са причините да се самозалъгаме? Готови ли сме да приложим честен и безпристрастен аналинтез към себе си и своите действия? Готови ли сме да изследваме и променяме себе си и своята паралелна реалност?
Exercise: Honesty and Devotion
В 97% от времето си ние мислим единствено и само за себе си и не наблюдаваме другите. Дори когато „условно“ мислим за другите, всъщност зад събития и обстоятелства, причини и фактори (всичките все външни) демонстрираме мислене за другите, като всъщност отново мислим...
Exercise: Concentration
Take a notebook and a pen. Choose a topic that really inspires you. It doesn’t matter if we are going to talk about dresses, cars, hairstyles, or spirituality… Turn on your stopwatch and start writing on the topic until you get distracted...
Exercise: Dream Interpretation
Dreams are our best friends once we learn to communicate with them. We may not always like what they tell us, but like a good friend who wants the best for us, they will be ruthlessly honest, even when they have to...