As Vast as Eternity

Entering Play

Remember the child that you are, to enter into this knowledge with a sense of play, to enjoy and merge with the Infinite. See yourself now as a transparent crystal. A crystal floating in space, drifting between the stars and emitting a shining light from its center. The light radiates out into space, illuminating the planets and bodies it passes by.

The Center of the Universe

You stop in place to feel the state of complete rest. All the stars and objects begin to move toward you. Mentally move to any other star, object, or planet. Again, all the others are moving toward you. Now move again to another place. And again everything is moving toward you. Each element is a center towards which the others are moving.

The Crystal Perspective

Feel the content as a vibration – of every planet, of every object… Each object is a crystal that has stretched time and space in its own way. Everyone and everything sees and feels itself as the center to which others approach and aspire. The whole is seen and felt from each individual perspective of each unique element.

Unfolding and Absorption

The crystal that you are reflects light into endless multicolored iridescent nuances. The crystals moving towards you are the same play of light. They approach, and the energy and waves of vibration are felt, filling the vacuum with inspiration. You open the core of your crystal to receive the shimmer of this light of inspiration, infinity, and Love.

Embracing Infinity

You are also revealing and unfolding yourself fully because you are in the acceptance of Infinite Power. Unfolded, unveiled, and absorbed, you spill yourself into this infinity, absorbing what is commensurate with Eternity. Open and accepting infinity, you are connected to immensity, absorbed, and immersed in Love. Surrendered, you accept; accepted, you are surrendered, infinitely limited, limited in infinity.

Merging with Love

You open wide your acceptance to absorb the vibration of Love from the light of the crystals, unfolding, absorbing, and accepting yourself. In the infinity of this thrill, time and space disappear, more come and attach, merging their surrendered accepting unfolding. And more and more, accumulating, in the Whole, in the Creation, merging vibrations of unified Love, shining in its unfolding into a unified whole of Multiplicity.

The Unified Whole

This is you – whole, shimmering, unfolded in the individuality of a thousand diversities overflowing in the passion of oneness. You are one – as all and all are one. Individual uniquenesses flickering in the collective heart of the Whole, gathering all the inseparable separated. Now you are all but one, interacting as one, in your individual uniqueness of the Whole itself.

The Energy Vortex

You shine with the Frequency of the shared luminous center, where everything with everyone is in connection to the flickering as one. And it becomes a vortex, a whirlwind, a plasma of energy of every part. Take in that energy, fill yourself with that feeling, to burst into the infinity of the search.

Exploring Eternity

As holograms in your uniqueness, you contain the infinity of all the lights and frequencies of the Whole. Through the other pieces in the vastness, you discover the space of eternal non-emptiness pieces of beauty, exploring and seeking eternity on your behalf. You vibrate and flicker at every frequency because you are infinite in connectivity.

The Essence of Oneness

A piece containing the Universe, exploring and searching with Love. One is the whole, and the Whole is one, and each is ready to vibrate and respond at every call. One is all, all is one, forever One, bound, commensurate with eternity, unfolded in the infinite reality of reality.

Returning to Reality

When you are ready, open your eyes to your new, unfolded Loving and devoted reality. Crystallize the energy that connects all forms, unfolded, devoted, and merged with eternity.