Accepting Parallel Realities


Accept the connection to everything that already exists—between your life and all simultaneous realities. See all the connections, all the threads, all the information contained in the light that links you to Everything That Is. This understanding reveals yourself as a manifestation within the vastness of creation.

Infinite Reflections

Imagine yourself standing as a glowing outline in the center of a room filled with mirrors. You are surrounded by your own reflections, stretching out into infinity in all directions. These endless variations—reflections, versions, and experiences—are all different characters that you represent and can manifest in creation.

Nothing is left out. Everything that is a figment of thought, dream, probability, or imagination is found here. Each of these probabilities is an experience of some version of you, somewhere, somehow, sometime, in the simultaneous moment of the infinite Here and Now of the Whole, of the Source, of Everything That Is.

Because each manifestation is individual and unique, these infinite version-reflections differ from you. They may look similar or very different, near or far, fuzzy or clear, but they are still reflections of you, and you are theirs. The mirrors themselves stretch to infinity, reflecting endlessly within each other.

Swirl, spin all of this into a combined glowing ball in front of you. Move it in all the different ways you experience yourself—as energy and thought, as being or constellation, as situation or state, as choice. Now, with gratitude and love, place the ball in your heart. Feel the merging, fluttering, and experiencing.

Becoming the Whole

Experience the frequencies of stone and rock, air and ether, grass and wood, animals and birds, fish, insects, sand, water, Earth, the nucleus and atoms, planets, the Sun, the galaxy, all the universes, and creatures that are your reflections merged into your plasma ball. You are now Everything That Is—the Whole…and its reflection.

Breathe in these vibrations, take in this information, and allow the knowledge to take refuge in the plasma ball of individual vibration so that you can feel the parallel realities. You pass like a shining beam through them as frames and experience the oneness and simultaneity of matter and energy. You are the Source that contains everything, the Creation that shimmers through and in all its reflections existing in the Oneness. You are the realization of that Whole, overflowing with the reflections of Everything That Is.

Manifesting Your Reality

Everything is created by you, designed by you, manifested, and experienced by you. Right now, you have planned your present physical experience to undergo change, growth, discovery, surprise, and delight as you pass through billions of parallel realities per second. This fiery passion of desire drives you to sink into the deep emptiness of solitude and to walk all paths, creating the perspective that forms the path.

Your choice is another parallel reality. You activate infinite realities that exist and interact, flowing within you from one to another. Each reality imprints itself as a flicker in every cell, rearranging your neural networks, transforming beliefs and settings. You continuously, endlessly change your form in infinite variations and combinations, in infinite diversity.

Embracing Infinity

Infinite experiences and knowledge converge in a single moment of eternity, in the space of infinity. Breathe infinity in its totality, for Existence is Here and Now. There is nothing beyond, no beginning or end. Everything is contained within you, and everyone is you. Every choice interacts with every other choice, giving all the perspectives and probabilities of Everything That Is.

Feel the energy of this resonance with your whole being. You are Existence itself—you are Everything That Is, and the Way, and the Source, and the Life.


When you are ready, open your eyes and slowly move your limbs and body.