Triunity of responsibility UPGR-PIR-Transmutation

Нищо и Безкрайност са събрани в едно Цяло, намиращо се в пълен покой. В същото време всеки акт на мислене е предизвикана вибрация (движение) около този безкраен потенциал. Така в Нищото се оказва, че покой от гледна точка на линейното време няма. Всичко се движи, всичко вибрира...

Regardless of the fact that we perceive things in some kind of “chronological sequence”, it is appropriate to specify that we are talking about two perspectives. One is the viewpoint of the Source as Oneness of the Whole, containing all possible probabilities as potential information, as well as all possible probable vibrations that realize a given Manifestation. From a chronological and linear perspective, this paradox appears non-existent and inexplicable, because it simply Is. Its essence is Nothingness.

In this void, time flows at infinite speed, and space is absent.​

Nothingness and Infinity are gathered into one Whole in complete stillness. Simultaneously, every act of thinking is an induced vibration (movement) around this infinite potential. Thus in Nothingness it appears that there is no stillness in terms of linear time. Everything moves, everything vibrates. Every act of thinking causes a fluctuation and “separation” from the unified potential. The separation itself involves a transformation of energy into nine fundamental frequencies that are the basis to create the illusion of being and experience. In this process of transformation, a “stretching” of Nothingness into a zero point occurs, where two polarities are distinguished – a rotation to the left and a rotation to the right. Thus we suddenly find ourselves in a dual world of the unity and simultaneity of Nothingness in the dual polarity of the Zero.

This dual polarity of the zero (rotation to the left and rotation to the right) fades by itself if there is no direction propagating perpendicular to this dual motion. When such a direction is available, we speak of intention or focus. When there is none, the transformed energies igniting in Nothingness gradually subside and are absorbed into the infinite gravity of Nothingness. These we call vacuum fluctuations. Thus the triune manifestation of Nothingness – Zero (with two polarities), containing stretched time and space as well as nine fundamental frequencies (forming a hypersphere), stretches the Zero and the infinite moment of Here and Now into a space-time continuum. In this process, an energetic vortex of the nine frequencies is built, which “bends” and moves back to the zero potential, passes through it, diffracts, and closes again to this zero potential.

The diffracted energy is again seen as two polarities.

Thus, the original impulse and the diffracted energy form the triune essence of the Source, in which all the transmutation of information into energy and energy into a protective field containing information-matter takes place. Thus, in this trinity, information and energy exist as a duality – energy containing nine frequencies (as information) and a protective field containing within itself all the information of the nine frequencies. So any energy turned inside out becomes a particle, but that particle is the energy that contains the protective field. This “trefoil” structure interacts within itself, and in this interaction an interference pattern is formed which acts as a diffraction grating. The diffraction grating itself as a shape is a Klein bottle which continuously oscillates and vibrates around a common potential, diffracting after passing through this potential. In doing so, the diffraction grating is in constant motion and continuously “sucks in” the potential of the vacuum fluctuations, causing them to diffract, turning the lining inside out and thus realizing the Manifestation of the hologram world found at the bottom of the Klein bottle.

The oscillating diffraction grating continuously causes new and new vibrations in Nothingness, which also leads to new results (change of the manifested world). The rapidly changing frames we call “motion” and the memory of states already past we define as “time”. In this dynamism of the ever-changing interference pattern, a reality grid emerges, based mainly on the nine frequencies. The shaped holograms are a function of the light that flickers continuously in the Nothingness and causes new and new manifestations of different probabilistic states. The resulting manifold is what we call the world. The frequencies of reception and reflection, of learning and development, elevation, comparison and evaluation, memory and forgetting, time-space are complemented by two parameters: choice and verbalization. These two parameters in unison with intention (act of thinking) carry out the illusion of real experience with real constraints in the real world. The rules, the physical laws, the theme and the idea of an experience are realized in the unified personal global responsibility as the intention-choice-verbalization triunity. Each hologram, reflecting this “real” world, reacts in order to realize change in the world itself, and through thought, decision, and interaction with the “individual” limitations shaped by the total potential, the parameters of that change are set. In effect, the thought-decision-action trinity realizes the individual hologram’s request to the Source at the local level – personal individual responsibility. On the other hand, identical experiences create a field (mental structure) called an egregore that influences both each individual hologram and the reality grid. Thus there is a two-way interaction that is inherent in every element of every system. A structural “sequence” is formed that is a looping cycle that rotates in both directions simultaneously. This looping cycle contains nine basic elements grouped three by three:

– Transmutation – zero point, vacuum fluctuations, diffraction grating;

Unified Personal Global Responsibility (UPGR)– manifestation, reality grid, egregore;

– Personal Individual Responsibility (PIR) – thought, decision, (inter)action.

The “experiencing” hologram interacts with the reality it has created and is the agent of change. Manifestation, together with the reality grid and the egregore, sets all those physical laws and automated processes for the realization of the hologram’s main reason for being – experiencing. The “investor” in this whole scheme is the Source in its trinity.